Profile On Lily Munster
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Lily Munster.
Lily Dracula Munster was born in Transylvania many years ago. She is the daughter of Count Vladimir Von Dracula (Grandpa). To estimate her age is very difficult, but she has been married to Herman for over 275 years and they met while at college.
She has vampire-like looks; the deathly pale complexion and the silvery streak in the hair. Her favorite scent is Este-Slaughter, which she has received every anniversary from Ebineezer Munster (Herman).

Lily pursues a fulltime job as a housewife and mother, but has worked as a fashion designer for Maurice Designs (see episode "Designing Munster").

  Profile on Lily:

One of Lily's stand out characteristics is her inexhaustible sacrifice for husband and family, which is forever displayed. She takes great pride in her home, and her family.
Lily's mother left her and Grandpa at an early age but made an appearance in the episode "Once In A Blue Moon".

This is Lily Munster as
portrayed By Lee Meriwether.
  Lee Meriwether:
Lee was Miss America 1955 and is beloved Mother of actresses Kyle and Lesley Aletter. Lee enjoy's horse riding and has enjoyed a fantastic career on stage and screen, appearing in the US TV show "All My Children" (1970) as Ruth Parker Brent Martin. She has guested in shows such as "Murder She wrote", "Love Boat", and "The Man From UNCLE". Lee had a starring role as Dr. Ann MacGregor in the 1966 sci-fi series "The Time Tunnel".

Lee without the Lily make-up and wig.
  Batman TV show and movie:

Lee played Catwoman/Kitanya Irenya Tatanya Karenska Alias: 'Miss Kitka' in the 1966 Batman TV movie.
Also, she appeared in "Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam and Burt" (2003) as a Waitress/Groupie, alongside Munsters Today Eddie Munster Jason Marsden who played Burt Ward.

Lee as the unforgettable Catwoman in the TV series and TV movie Batman.